Not gone completely - just missing for a bit

More like 3 years I see...

 Well - guess that's work for you. So what have I been doing since 2008? It will have be a summary.. Must admit that I've probably mostly been working.. Lost 35 kilos and gained 10 of them again - bummer! I moved house, lost Chess (who died in November 2010), gained his brother Jazz, studied English and could of course go on and on. Not all that interesting, though. Since I am now on sick-leave for my back I decided to take up blogging.

Big new interests of mine are: Game of Thrones-series + A Dance with Dragons of course :-) There is also Doctor Who that has come to my attention these last two years and it's spin-off, Torchwood which I greatly love with a whole lot of reservations and issues...

All of these things will probably come up in my posts. I plan to review the Deathly Hallows movie as well. Guess I'll just go on as before - some comments, reviews pictures and personal posts. Posting in English from now on - for the benefit of my foreign family and friends :-)


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