30 Days of Spartacus - Day 1

Day 1- Favourite male character

This question is really tough! As this is very much a character-driven story, there are bound to be plenty of great characters in it. My views on this have also changed a bit with each season.

Oenomaeus must be the character that I've loved and rooted for through all three seasons. I love his sense of morality and responsibility. He really is a leader - something that shines through in every situation they put him in. In Gods of the Arena he is in some way tricked into assuming the mantel of Doctore. I liked seeing him struggle with the role and questioning himself time and again. By
 Blood and Sand he has become much more seasoned, and I like the way he balances responsibility for the gladiators with loyalty to Batiatus. He is extremely firm, but also fair. Him figuring out there was something amiss with Barca being freed and that turning him from the house of Batiatus is an example of his sense of honour.
When we meet him again in Venegance he seems to have lost his way somewhat. I would have liked to have seen more of his reasoning for finally joining the rebellion, and I would also have liked Gannicus to tell him the whole story about what happened with Melitta. But alas it was not to be. There were so many characters in Venegance, and they all had to have their story told. Seeing Oenomaeus go was for me the saddest loss of Wrath of the Gods. I was gutted - even though I knew he would have to meet his end early on. He was a beautiful person!

I do have some season-favourites as well - or runners-up if you'd like. I chose Oenomaeus because he has been there all along, and we have had a chance to see him grow through all three seasons. There are however some characters that have stood out for me in each season.
I really liked Quintus Batiatus in Gods of the Arena. This was of course before his megalomania really had a chance to take hold. You really could root for him in this, and feel his struggle to move up in the world.
Similarly I had so much love for Varro in Blood and Sand. I find it very interesting that he was actually a Roman fallen on hard times. He is a character of many flaws, but an amazing friend to Spartacus. Not afraid to criticize him, but fiercely loyal even so. His death was incredibly impactful. A horrible twist, if ever there was one. I doubt the rebellion would have been possible without it, though.
In Venegance I instantly liked Nasir. Him questioning the sense in joining the rebels was just great. His exchange with Crixus in "The Greater Good" made me like him even more and also that he chose to help out at the mines against better judgement. Haven't seen much of him in the latter half of the season, but I guess we will have a chance to see him again in season three!


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