30 Days of Spartacus - Day 2

Oh my! Seems time has gotten away from me a bit, and now I'll just have to do four days in one sitting. Some interesting questions in there, though.. Here goes:

Day 2- Favorite female character

There are so many good female characters in this series! Steven de Knight really strives to portray a variety of different women and their fates. And the way he does it seems very real.
Women in roman society were very much overlooked or even abused. Even staying true to this sentiment De Knight has managed to create a variety of women that handle this differently.

I just love watching Lucretia worming her way up in society an through life in general. She will be sorely missed in the next season - I think. I almost might call her my favourite, but then again her lack of good intentions disqualifies her.

Another woman that has shown she can fend for herself is Mira. I admittedly started out disliking her in Blood and Sand. I found and do find her continued attachment to Spartacus a bit off-putting.
She is just wonderful in Venegance, however, and much of that is due to her being portrayed as having multiple layers. She seems to be a voice of reason both to Spartacus and the rest of the men. Her saving Naevia in the woods in Empty Hands was amazing and so was her learning to use a bow and arrow. When she tried strangling Illythia in Balance that felt very much justified - a pity she was interrupted! Ending things with Spartacus in Monsters was perhaps her strongest move. Too bad she had to fall to a stray axe. It felt a bit cheap she should go that way, but then again I wasn't really surprised.

Of all the great female characters, though, Naevia has to be my favourite. I just love how she has developed from Gods of the Arena, and I really like what she has become. I must admit her being played by a different actress in Venegance has made it hard for me to see her her the same character. The two look so different, and have such different ways of interpreting the role. Even so I can't really fault the character for that.
She was just great trying to help Dionna by letting her escape. What a horrible thing to backfire! Her relationship with Crixus in Blood and Sand is really compelling, and also how she handles Crixus bveing used by Lucretia.
Getting stronger and fighting back in Venegance is a logical turn for her character. And finally - her killling Ashur - bad CGI og no, was a really satisfying moment.


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