30 Days of Spartacus - Day 8

Day 8- Who is the character that freaks you out the most?
Wow - these questions are all quite hard. Another one I had to think about before answering.
Many of the characters are sometimes a bit freaky or scary. Lucretia's madness in Venegance is quite unnerving to watch, and so is the calculated malice of Illythia in Blood and Sand. The gladiators themselves do freaky things every now and the, and the slyness of Ashur can be painful to see as well - especially in Gods of the Arena.

Even so I must say the one that freaks me out the most had to be Quintus Batiatus himself. Not that his deeds are in any way worse than that of the other characters. It is more that I actually find myself rooting for this guy from time to time. There is something about him that makes me forgive all his evil scheming and plotting from time to time. I find it really freaky how I am able to like this man who has committed the most heinous crimes without hesitation.


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