30 Days of Spartacus - Day 7

Day 7 - If you could change anything about this show - what would it be?

To quote another favourite of mine; What's to change? You don't mess with this level of perfection!
I could say I wish characters would stop getting killed, but that's unrealistic for this story, and also, it's kind of what makes this show awesome, because the stakes are always so high.

There is something that I would like and that is if the show had more episodes per season..I know the scripts are tight and that there's not much time for moments that don't move the plot forward, but I would have liked to see some of those. I'd like to see more interaction between the characters and relationship-building moments. I think especially Venegance would have benefited from that,

While I'm at it, I would like to see a little less of Spartacus making speeches and a little more of him interacting with the others. More Gannicus or Oenomaeus or Agron would be very nice as well.. Woops - I guess I really had more suggestions for changes than I thought..


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