The Night Lands

I'm no more positive about season 2 after watching The Night Lands. In fact it now worries me immensely how they seem to deviate from original characterization  and make the involved characters into different people from who they are to me. That doesn't mean the episode was all bad, though. Let's start with the good:

There's Gendry. He has a bit more personality here, than what we're used to but I think that's a good thing. Arya at least has one person to care for her! Since it's difficult to get her inner monologue on film, it might be a good idea to have someone for her to talk to a bit more.

Ghost looks amazing! Looking forward to seeing more of him. Hope he is in many scenes in the future. I also must say I like the Night's Watch-storyline so far. The inclusion of Jon actually observing an other taking one of Craster's son makes the threat more real to the viewers. That was a very good move, and also a nice way to end the episode.

Unfortunately yet again there was more bad than good to this episode. Which is why we should have a look at the bad as well :
 Can Shae be brutally strangled, please? 'Nuff said about that..

Last week I did like the Dany-scenes even though they killed off Silver. To kill off Rhakaro however is just wrong! Are they intending to keep Dorreah instead? A horribly cheap move if so. I'm not surprised with HBO at the reins, though.Guess we will have to see when it comes to that entire storyline. Let's hope they do better when they get to Quarth.

What happened to Jacelyn Bywater? While I quite liked the scene of Tyrion sending Slynt to the wall, him appointing an equally questionable guy like Bronn kind of weakens his intentions here. From the book I got Tyrion trying to do some good/justice. Here I only get him replacing one of Cersei's men with his own. I'd like to see a bit more of how Tyrion is not brutal and ruthless like Cersei. Cunning, yes. Cynical too, yet his objections to Cersei's (Joffrey's) reign of terror is absolutely what makes him the likeable Lannister.

Oh - and on that note I guess it was Joffrey who ordered the bastards killed. I really do resent that. They are making Joffrey so much more than a spoiled child and Cersei more helpless than cruel. It's just not true to the original characterization, and it lessens several points of the story too! 

The largest atrocity ,though, was Stannis fucking Melisandre on the painted table. That was extremely out of character. So much in fact that it probably ruined Stannis's character for me! He might be willing to fuck her, but having him do it like that just cheapens the plot. How is she supposed to give him an heir? He who seems like such a sucker for rules and norms would never accept a bastard as his heir!
Once again there is the question not only of Patchface, but also of Shireen. She seems to be non-existant in this as well..

Finally let me just conclude with some final thoughts, comments and predictions:

Our introduction to the Iron Islands looks really good. Can't really be bothered to care about the Greyjoys, though. I did notice the lack of Aeron, but I donæt think that really matters. Balon and Yara are enough for now. I'd like to follow Balon a bit more,though. That way - when he is killed we might actually care..

Furthermore I might be a bit unsure about Sallador Saan, but the actor seems to grasp the essence of the character. He doesn't look the least bit like I imagined - a minor detail which shouldn't be a problem. Then again I really love that they have made more of the relationship between Davos and his son. Not sure which son this was. Mathar? Doesn't matter, though. It was good to see them together. It will make upcoming events more keenly felt. 


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