30 Days of Spartacus - Day 12

Day 12 - Which character death made you cry?

There is no dispute about this one. I never cry when watching TV. The exceptions to this are very few.
Varro's death however brought tears to my eyes, and still does. Actually I do think it was one of the saddest deaths I have seen on TV for a very long time.

It was sudden and brought about by the scheming of people who did not even care - and at the hands of Spartacus nonetheless. Maybe I should have started hating Illythia before, but this was when I discovered how much I loathed her.
What made it even worse was how broken up Spartacus was about it. His reaction was almost equally sad and also brought tears to my eyes when we see it in the next episode.

Also it might have been interesting to see how the story might have turned out had Varro not died. He was a Roman after all. Would he have joined the rebellion at all? Or if his 2 years had been up before the rebellion and he had been freed - would he be an enemy now? Oh well - I guess we'll never know that, unfortunately ;-P


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