30 Days of Spartacus - Day 3

Day 3- Favorite pairing

Can I say the Spartacus/Varro bromance? Ah well - guess this is a question about romantic couples..

Another difficult one! Espescially since I like almost every pairing on the show.. (Gannicus/Melitta and Spartacus/Mira being the very few exceptions..)
There is just something I like about the show's whole attitude towards romance and the love-life of it's characters. Not what you'd expect in a show that portrays such a cynical, cut-throat epoque in history. I really hope they continue this line of creating and upholding believable  both loving and non-loving couples.
So far I have really liked couples like Oenomaeus/Melitta, Spartacus/Sura, Crixus/Naevia, Agron/Nasir etc.

There is however one couple that really stands out, and that has to be Battiatus/Lucretia.
Through all their evil ways and horrible schemes they manage to continue loving one another. I find that quite impressive. It is also incredibly fascinating to see how they both bring out the worst in one another. Don't think I've ever seen this kind of destructive relationship so well described before to the point that their mutual love for each other almost redeems them a bit at times. Congratulations Mr. DeKnight!

All this is why I was not so surprised when Lucretia threw herself from the cliff in Wrath of the Gods. It really made sense for her to do that in light of everything going on through Blood and Sand and Gods of the Arena. A very fitting end for "them".


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