
Showing posts from September, 2011

30 Days of Game of Thrones - day 30

Day 30 – Why you love Game of Thrones The answer to this question should be quite apparent by now. There is just so much to love about these books and the series. I've been a fan of the books since 2003, and I've waited a long time for both Feast and Dance to come out. Frustrating, but totally worth it! A Song of Ice and Fire easily qualifies as the best told story I've ever had the chance to know. Martin's world is just so livid and engaging. The characters  - their thoughts and reactions often seem like real people to me - they are that well described! It's a wonderfully detailed world that still doesn't fall into the trap of becoming difficult to comprehend. I've been enchanted with these books since Jaime threw Bran out of the window, and have serious doubts I'll ever fall out of love with them. The only downside is that they are really hard to match. After having finished Swords I had trouble finding other books to read, just because

30 Days of Torchwood - Day 29

Day 29: Something you liked that most people didn't That will have to be 'Cyberwoman'. I know it's universally frowned upon by Who-fans who think the Torchwood version of the Cybermen just don't fit into the rest of the whoniverse , and on that level I do agree. It is also an episode I didn't like much on my first viewing, because of the sheer tackiness of the cyberman-costume used. The look of the episode is like something from a comic or a graphic novel. It looks horrible. I can't for the life of me understand why someone thought putting a woman in a steel-bikini would be a good idea. Seems to me like the costume-designer was trying to fulfill some boyish fantasy-ideal. Yuck! The story is deeply moving, however. Lisa's fate is just horrible, and watching Ianto's struggles culminating in the events of the episode is quite heartbreaking. I also like the portrayal of Jack in this episode. I like how he tries to reason with Ianto, and how he se

30 Days of Game of Thrones - Day 29

Day 29 ~ Favourite book.  I love A Clash of Kings! Mostly because of Tyrion’s cleverness, the confrontation between Stannis and Renly, the house of the undying and all the other lovely scenes! There is no denying it's hard to pick which book is the best one, because they are all brilliant! A Storm of Swords is a close second to "Clash", and A Game of Thrones is of course the book that had me hooked on the series.  I haven't been as excited with the last two books, but I think that might have something to do with the plot moving slower. There is a lot of set-up in those books, and even if it is necessary, that makes them a bit more tedious than the others. I find myself liking them better on my second and third readings, because there are so many subtle hints that you don't pick up on the first time around. I must say I'm looking forward to everything culminating in the next books, though!

Unsuccessfully upping the odds in Torchwood

Why I’m not enthusiastic about Miracle Day and probably won’t watch. I know no one likes having their show dumped on, and I have noticed myself doing a bit of that in my Torchwood-meme. I think it's fair to talk about why I don't really feel tempted to watch Torchwood anymore - and it does not all have to do with Ianto. (Even if I might have kept watching for the sheer brilliance of the character if they hadn’t killed him off..) I loved Captain Jack when he was introduced in Doctor Who. Living in Norway I came a bit late to the series of Doctor Who, and by the time I watched it (2009), I could just go to imdb to check if Jack would be back. Seeing he would return made me look forward to his next episodes in season 3.  It is safe to say I considered him a great character - quite unlike anything I had ever seen before. I loved his charm and his humor and his flirtatious behavior and that core of bravery within him. I tuned into Torchwood entirely for him after h

30 Days of Torchwood - Day 28

Day 28 - Your favourite alien tech So many good ones to choose from! Like Tosh I think I would like the reading-device that allows her to read at an immense speed. There are more useful devices, though. The contact-lenses are great, but a bit overused, maybe. Every now and then I would have liked a ghost-machine as well.  Still, the Risen Mitten - part 2 has to be my favourite. It did after all allow us to enjoy Owen's presence for a few more episodes. Come to think of it, Jack could really use some nanogenes (from 'The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances' in Torchwood. Resurrecting Tosh, Owen and Ianto might do wonders for the state of the series...

30 Days of Game of Thrones - Day 28

Day 28 ~ Your favourite episode Being first and foremost a fan of the books, I have some trouble seeing the series as episodes. I do think it has to be a tossup between episodes 5 and 6. All the episodes are good, but I really like this part of the book as well. There's the Hand's tourney, Ned resigning, Tyrion in the Eyrie, Cersei getting slapped, Viserys getting his crown. Oh - I just can't choose. There are too many good moments in both of them!