30 Days of Torchwood - day 21

Day 21 - Your favourite Toshiko moment

Toshiko is a character I instantly liked, and in many ways the one I relate to the most. Her supreme intelligence is wonderful to watch and also the social awkwardness that comes out of it.
One of the things I have noted about her, is that according to Fragments she was doing 5 years of service for Torchwood. Her five years were however getting to an end. I resented her fate in Exit Wounds, and I really would have liked for her to survive, but resign instead. She is the character I want back the most, actually. The world of Torchwood isn't very fair, however..

My favourite moment of hers is from "Captain Jack Harkness". She works on sending messages to the future, and her brilliance really comes to the foreground. The one moment that made the most impression on me is when she has to write a message in her own blood. I really loved how she included a message for her family on the card. ( Maybe most of all because I'd have liked to see her back with her family and free from her duties..)


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