30 Days of Torchwood - Day 20

Day 20 - Your favourite Ianto moment

It's nearly impossible to pick only one. There are many great ones. I'll have to pick two :-)

Coutrycide: My favourite moment in this episode is Ianto headbutting the cannibal. It really takes a lot of courage. Just before this scene, there is a scene where he asks Tosh “And who protects us? How long until you lose a loved one or go mad?”  He is terrified of the cannibals, but still willing to risk everything to protect Tosh and help her get out. I like how you see that he is loyal to Torchwood at this point, but still able to question the concept of field-work and the way they operate. 

There are several similar moments, and one of the character-traits I like about Ianto is his constant questioning of the ethics of what Torchwood does. You also see it when he shoots Owen in "Captain Jack Harkness", when he opposes the use of the mind-probe in "Sleeper", when he gives Gwen the information about Flat Holm. Last but not least you see it in "Day 4" when he questions Jack about giving up the children and encourages him to make it right. This eventually leads to his death - which seen from this perspective is not at all out of character.

A Day In The Death: Ianto and Owen have an interesting relationship. They are a little bit like brothers constantly in a sibling rivalry. They don't seem to hate each other, it’s just the way they interact. The scene I like so much is Ianto teaching Owen how to make coffee. Owen snaps at Ianto, but instead of picking a fight Ianto says “I’ve seen you dissect alien corpses. I’ve seen you save so many lives. Are you really going to let this beat you?

I think that was especially powerful coming from Ianto. He and Owen have a rocky relationship, but they are also very similar at heart - acting out in different ways. They’re young, extremely intelligent, damaged by their families and the loss of the ones they love. Since they both try to hold on to some sort of facade of carelessness or invulnerability, it is just great how Ianto chooses to support Owen rather than quarrel with him.


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