30 Days of Torchwood - day 25

Day 25 - Who you’d shag, cliff and marry
Easy one – Shag Ianto, cliff Jack and marry Rhys.
There are moments I’d consider cliffing Gwen, but I generally like her more than I dislike her. Then I considered cliffing Owen – whom I don’t really dislike either, but he can be incredibly unpleasant and I’ve never really forgiven him for using the date-rape perfume.
But out of everyone I’ll just have to cliff Jack. It’d have to be a really high far-away cliff, though – if I were to get rid of him for enough time so I could shag Ianto ;-)
I might have considered marrying Tosh if she were a man. Since she isn’t there’s no real competition! Rhys seems to be the perfect guy – I’d marry him in a heartbeat!


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