30 Days of Torchwood - day 27

Day 27 - Least Favourite Episode
This question is a bit difficult to answer when I haven't seen Miracle Day. It will just have to be my least favourite out of the ones I've seen. 

Torchwood is quite uneven as a series, and some of the episodes are hardly watchable. "Random Shoes" is an example of an episode I find really boring seeing as it is very team-light and Eugene Jones isn't all that interesting.

"Small worlds" is another one I didn't like. You might have gathered that I'm not Jack's biggest fan. There is definite foreshadowing to Children of Earth Day Five in this. Then there is the poor mother who loses everything - just too sad! It's also more fantasy than sci-fi with this one.

The real contestants here, however are "Day Four" and "Day Five" of Children of Earth. Yes - they are both incredibly good episodes when it comes to the writing, and in many ways some of the best pieces of television I have ever seen. It's just that they are so depressing to watch. After watching Children of Earth I really got the sense I'd never be happy ever again, and it stuck with me for weeks.

There is a scene in "Day Four" where the politicians discuss which children to take that I find absolutely chilling. Even though it describes the way many people might react, it is just heartbreaking to watch. Then there was also the death of Ianto in 'Day Four' which was just horrifying.
In spite of the horror that is 'Day Four', I think I'll have to put 'Day Five' as my least favourite. After 'Day Four' there was at least still some hope that things could be put right in a somewhat dignified way. Having watched the nastiness that was 'Day Five', you just want to curl up and die. Seeing the PM force Frobisher to give up his own daughters and Frobisher subsequently killing his family and himself. Then there are the scenes of Gwen et al trying to save the children from armed forces and finally Jack sacrificing Steven. How very Genesis! Even the grizzly writers of the Bible have the sense to see you can't sacrifice you own offspring. So well-written and engaging as it is, it's just too much!


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