30 Days of Torchwood - day 18

Day 18 - Your favourite Owen moment
Owen enters the Hub for the first time in Fragments. Jack asks him why he chose to become a doctor, and Owen basically says it was to save life so his life would be worthwhile. He then proceeds to talk about how his ambition to save people is just isn’t possible to fulfill.

I didn't really get or like Owen much before I saw this episode. You get some hints that he has had it tough, but I did not suspect anything like this. Owen may have been a prat, but grief makes people do crazy things and can change their personalities. If he hadn't died, we might have seen him softening over time. He did actually have a sort of character-development during his two seasons, but then his death got in the way of him doing anything he liked. When he finally vaporized in Exit Wounds it seemed like a mercy.

There are still unanswered questions about him, though. I would have liked the show to explore his connection to the weevils. Alas, it is not to be!


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