30 Days of Torchwood - Day 29

Day 29: Something you liked that most people didn't

That will have to be 'Cyberwoman'. I know it's universally frowned upon by Who-fans who think the Torchwood version of the Cybermen just don't fit into the rest of the whoniverse, and on that level I do agree.

It is also an episode I didn't like much on my first viewing, because of the sheer tackiness of the cyberman-costume used. The look of the episode is like something from a comic or a graphic novel. It looks horrible. I can't for the life of me understand why someone thought putting a woman in a steel-bikini would be a good idea. Seems to me like the costume-designer was trying to fulfill some boyish fantasy-ideal. Yuck!

The story is deeply moving, however. Lisa's fate is just horrible, and watching Ianto's struggles culminating in the events of the episode is quite heartbreaking. I also like the portrayal of Jack in this episode. I like how he tries to reason with Ianto, and how he seems to understand the situation much more clearly than his team. 
I especially love the scene where he tries to explain that the situation they are in is how threats or perilous situations will typically come about. It's one of the few moments during season one where Jack's extensive and very long experience with dire situations comes to the foreground.
At the end of the episode there is a discussion between Jack and Gwen about what has happened, and I think her input on the matter is also very well thought out.

Cyberwoman is a bit like an amazing book that you're embarassed to read because of the horribly tacky cover. There is much more to it than meets the eye - at least on first viewing.


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