30 Days of Game of Thrones - day 14

Day 14 ~ Who do you think Jon Snow’s parents are?
Rheagar and Lyanna. There is just so much pointing to that, and all the other attempts on explaining things don't add up. Wylla seems to have been Jon's milk-mother, not his mother. The Sisterton-story doesn't add up with the time-line at all.
It might be Ashara, but then again there are so many weird facts about that. She was pregnant by a Stark - might as well have been Brandon. She had a still-born daughter - so no son, then. The Dayne's seem to respect Ned a lot, and why would they if he had gotten Ashara pregnant and then witnessed her kill herself?
Lyanna must have died in child-birth. How else can she have died? And since she ran off with Rhaeger - who else could be the father? 
I really hope to be surprised, though..


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