30 days of Torchwood - day 8

Day 08 - Your least favourite character
This is a really difficult one! There are some supporting characters that I don’t like, but through seasons 1 and 2 I like all the main five. I guess my answer should look something like this:

Supporting character:  John Hart. Sorry – never could stand the guy. I love James Marsters a lot – but it seems his character on Torchwood has been written in there to make a grand role for a celebrity guest-star. I just think he is unrealistic and over the top. The attempts to redeem him at the end were silly as well. They might as well have left the guy as chaotic evil after all the havoc he wrecked.

Main cast: I started out liking most of the characters – only Gwen disappointed med some during the first season. She seemed self-centred and self-important to the point of annoyance. Once she got past that, however, (somewhere around the middle of season 2) she was just made of awesome. In Children of Earth she is my favourite team-member! (As by then Ianto has turned clingy and Jack has turned evil..)
Then I do have a problem with Owen and his rapy ways. He is also a right unpleasant git. Getting his background story in Fragments, though made me forgive a lot of the things that used to annoy me about him. So now I generally like him.
Unfortunately the same thing can’t be said for Jack. I liked the character a lot in Doctor Who, and therefore followed him into Torchwood. Seems his 200+ years had turned him into a really grumpy guy. During the first two seasons it was ok. He wasn’t the best leader in the world, but somehow he still managed to raise my sympathy. I did miss the Jack from Who, but I still enjoyed watching him in Torchwood. By Children of Earth, it really got to be too much. What an incompetent idiot! This guy is more than 2000 years old, and still so incompetent he has to sacrifice his own grandson to save everyone. Now he just disgusts me, and I hope he is shut into a dark, dank cave where he can contemplate his own idiocy until he turns into the Face of Boe.
I haven't watched Miracle Day - and my loathing for Jack is one of the reasons. Children of Earth was just character assassination to me.


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