30 Days of Game of Thrones - day 18

Day 28 ~ Give some advice to one of the characters.
I’d give it to Dany; Drop the delusions that your dragons are a good thing! Get someone to train them.. And pull out of Mereen as soon as you can. The city and its people are awful!

That was before I read A Dance with Dragons, though. I guess my advice would change with each book. I still think Dany needs some advice, though. Maybe I could tell her how to make a hat out of grass? Maybe not.
It's just that she seems so lost. She should have sought out her Westerosi allies as well as getting allies in Essos. Right now she seems just to be going with the flow. 
Jon Snow could have used some advice as well - but I guess it is too late for that now.
After reading A Dance With Dragons I think I'd advise Arya to get out of her training to become a faceless person. She should not have to lose herself like they demand! She is a Stark, and her family will need her and welcome her back if she could just find them..


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