30 Days of Torchwood - Day 26

Day 26 - Where you think the series should continue to
For me, this series ended with Children of Earth. Owen, Toshiko and Ianto were the most interesting characters. 
I don’t really care what happens to Gwen. It would be nice if she and Rhys live happily ever after, though. Jack should just go sit in a dark, dank cave and brood until he turns into the Face of Boe.
There are some questions I’d like answered. They never will be – but even so:

a  - What happened during the year that never was? Apart from the trip to the Himalayas, that is.. (That could be quite at neat series all on its own..)
b  - What would Tosh do after her five years were up?
c  - Why did Ianto lie about his background, and how did he get involved with Torchwood (1) in the first place?
d  - What happens to the people on Flat Holm, the ruined hub, the dead/frozen people, Myfanwy or Janet now?

I I might of course watch Miracle Day at some point, but the reviews haven't really tempted me to do so. It doesn't seem to be the series I fell fore anymore. My hope is it gets cancelled so it won't get more ruined than it already has been.


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