30 Days of Game of Thrones - day 26

Day 26 ~ Your favourite Tyrion-moment

Tyrion is also one of my top 3 favourites. There are simply not enough room in a meme to describe the genious that is Tyrion. When he makes fun of the Ser Alliser Thorne, when he confesses his crimes in the Vale, how he tells the story of Tysha are just a few of his great moments. 
The one I've chosen for my favourite however is maybe the first time we see him up close in the book. When he meets Jon Snow for the first time he tells him to never forget what or who he is. It's an incredibly wise statement and it's the statement that has made me stick with Tyrion throughout the books.

I must admit, though that I am really worried about Tyrion at the moment. Her seems to be turning a much, much darker shade of gray of late. Tyrion in A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings is just brilliant. But when no one recognizes that, he takes a dark turn that I don't particularly like.


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